Monday, August 07, 2000

Welcome to the Crunchy Peanut-Blog

Greetings and salutations people of Earth.

I've always wanted to say that and now with this blog it's been done. Mission accomplished now stop reading and get on with your life. Or not.

The concept of this blog came to me in a flash of inspiration after no breakfast or lunch and two coffees in quick succession. No doubt this is the secret to creative thought and all the great writers acted similarly (or perhaps they substituted alcohol and cigarettes for food but either way the theory holds - I really need to read more Bukowski).

Like most committed backbackers who returned home with thoughts of being the next Bill Bryson or Paul Theroux (indeed I had even thought of a title for my first book - Psychotic Astral Travel Babble and Other Aphrodisiacs) my writing venture ended as soon as I got a real job. I comfortably switched to more upmarket independent travelling - four-star hotels, second class trains, dive resorts and no more instant noodles. Despite a travel article published on-line and a Sydney Morning Herald Heckler (both republished here) I had barely tapped into my 15 minutes of fame. By reading this you add a few more seconds to those 15 minutes.

I intend, with this blog, to tackle some of life's great questions - like why do we keep birthday cards from ex-lovers? How can a guinea pig possibly make a great pet? How did we ever find Darryl Somers funny? And does shampoo have to look like sperm?

Alas the reality is that the blog will answer none of these questions. It may answer no questions at all, although it may give a few travel tips and movie recommendations. I can only hope that one reader, some time, some where selects a movie based upon my recommendation or goes diving somewhere that I did. And liked it.

The other reality is that only my friends will ever read this, and even then they most likely have read it all before and while amused will not rush back for a re-read. Well that's their (your) loss. Much of this stuff has been rewritten for a broader readership with all new anecdotes (some of them real) and better, more powerful punchlines.

The Crunchy-Peanut Blog is open for consumption.

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