Sunday, October 01, 2006

What's in a Euphemism?

The pantheon of Rock 'n' Roll history is littered with great band names. I'm not about to start trawling the internet to find out which band was the first 'The' somethings (now there's a great name for a band - unfortunately though it's already been taken - they're a UK based covers band available for parties, weddings, festivals and private and corporate functions).

I'm also not going to go looking for which band was the first to not be called 'so and so and his orchestra' or 'somebody and his band'. These would not be good names for a band - and hence they don't exist. Of course there are many clever band names and they take their inspiration from a variety of sources (however I've always wanted to ask Dave Grohl what is Foo and are you fighting for it or against it?).

Sex is an obvious inspiration for a band name. After all, it's why most young males get into Rock 'n' Roll in the first place. Perhaps the first such band was 10CC. Deriving their name from the volume of semen ejaculated by the average male, 10CC were highly successful in the early 1970s and pioneered to some extent the pop rock sound of the time. My research (2 minutes on the internet), sheds no light on why this name beyond that they were a little wacky with their tabaccy.

But for blatant sexual euphemism one can't go past the Sex Pistols. The pioneers of Punk, the purveyors of apocalyptic 70s anti-Thatcherism, Johnny Rotten and his mates rewrote all the Rock rules, how it should be played and sung and even how to market it. And what to name it. The Pistols emboldened a whole generation of Punk and post-Punk music, such as the anti-Pistols Celibate Rifles and the all-girl The Slits (at least when it comes to names). The Buzzcocks (I really hope) took it one step further by naming themselves after an artificial (vibrating) penis.

Today it is open slather when it comes to sexually euphemistic band names. Many blatantly reference penises, such as the Enormous Horns, the Hard Ons and Tool. Pearl Jam, in the spirit of 10CC, describes what comes out of the penis. And you can't have sperm without Testeagles. And don't forget anuses - Chocolate Starfish and the Butthole Surfers certainly haven't.

Sexual positions also provide fertile band naming ground, including Machine Gun Fellatio, the Butthole Surfers (again), the Red Riders (apparently, though to be honest I can't actually work that one out) and the Scissor Sisters (although whether it's a lesbian sexual act or a description of lesbians I don't know but it's a wonderful word picture in any case).

So your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to add to this list. Surely there are many more sexually explicit, sexually perverse or just sexual band names out there. I will though make one request – they do need to have been decent musicians (the exception being the Sex Pistols) and have had at least one single in the charts.

Your time begins…now.


Crunchy Peanut-Blogger said...

The Flaming Lips?

Crunchy Peanut-Blogger said...

(With thanks to Sticky's)

Steely Dan, the 70s soft rock band, is named after a steam-powered dildo in Naked Lunch by William Burroughs

Then there is White Snake....and I have heard a radio interview where Michael Stipe claimed REM really stood for Rear End Men, however it was not long after he had come out and I think he was taking the piss

Anonymous said...

I'm a big metal and before I was made to think about it I didn't realise how little metal (band names and lyrical content alike) has to do with sex. Maybe it's because 'sex' is something to be aspired to as one of the greatest things us humans do and punk, pop, cock rock etc wants to allign itself as closely as possible with the wonderful act in all its manifestations. By that reasoning, maybe there is no need for metal to do this because it is in fact, wait for it, better than sex. Or maybe I could actually think harder about the question at hand ... ?

Anonymous said...

Sex Clark Five!